The Future is Now Here (or so we are told)

Talking Business is an active provider of the National Broadband Network (nbn™) and our NBN offerings give corporate users the best chance of getting a great service from the standard NBN TC4 service.

Traffic Classes

Most current nbn™ plans run on Traffic Class 4 (TC4), which is a best effort service suitable for home use and small businesses using email and Internet browsing. Traffic Class 2 (TC2) on the other hand, is a Business Grade traffic class used to deliver symmetrical Internet with a constant guaranteed speed. It has a 1:1 contention ratio and supports applications which are sensitive to latency and jitter.
This page is only discussing TC4

Service Delivery

Talking Business NBN is currently delivered using a mix of Fibre To The Premises (FTTP), Fibre To The Node (FTTN), Fibre To The Basement (FTTB), Fibre To The Curb (FTTC), and Hybrid Fibre Coaxial (HFC).

The key features of our service are:

  • Very low 20:1 Contention
  • Improved performance and exceptional resilience
  • Very low latency for near real-time response
  • Unmetered usage
Talking Business NBN Plans for FTTN, FTTC and FTTB

Just like ADSL2 did, the copper based nbn™ service comes in many flavours and is subject to certain limitations. Firstly there are a variety of speed offerings (Tiers) ranging from Tier 1 at 12 Mbps download and 1 Mbps upload through to Tier 5 at 100 Mbps nominal download and 40 Mbps nominal upload. We are offering three service Tiers and all have unmetered Internet access (subject to our Fair Use Policy) and are supplied on a month to month basis.

What you may not know is that on all Tiers above Tier 2, nbn™ will actually only guarantee 25Mbps / 5Mbps when supplied on either FTTN, FTTC, or FTTB services. It is only the nominal performance that is advertised in most marketing as actual performance is dependent on many factors.

Nominal RatingMonthly
FTTN – Expected
Service Speed
25/5 Mbps$8025Mbps / 5MbpsUnmetered
50/20 Mbps$9225-50Mbps / 5-20MbpsUnmetered
100/40 Mbps$12025-100Mbps / 5-40MbpsUnmetered
(all prices are excluding GST)
Talking Business NBN Plans for HFC and FTTP

Now we are getting into the good stuff.
With our industry lowest 20:1 contention, these services rival the performance of dedicated corporate fibre or Enterprise Ethernet with speeds up to 1Gb download and 400Mbps upload and at around half the cost. Add our NBN Static IP Fail-over and you have the perfect service for any SME business.

Nominal RatingMonthly
HFC or FTTPTotal
25/5 Mbps$80BothUnmetered
50/20 Mbps$92BothUnmetered
100/40 Mbps$120BothUnmetered
250/25 Mbps$149BothUnmetered
1000/50 Mbps$189BothUnmetered
250/100 Mbps$229FTTP OnlyUnmetered
500/200 Mbps$300FTTP OnlyUnmetered
1000/400 Mbps$415FTTP OnlyUnmetered
(all prices are excluding GST)

NBN (as a residential service) is highly contended as nearly everyone in an NBN enabled area will be using it. Yes, the nominal speed is fast and it is delivered over a fibre back-haul link but this high usage will affect the performance.

The average NBN contention is over 100:1.
One major Telco is offering a 100/40 “Business Only” service at 25:1 contention for around $200 per month.
Talking Business 100/40 NBN contention is lower still at only 20:1 and cost $80 per month less.

If you are a business in an area that is about to go live with the NBN then make sure you have plans in place to change your old telephone lines over to Carrier Grade IP Telephony to get the right quality of service and give your callers the best voice experience possible.

An added advantage of using our NBN service is that our IP Telephony is prioritised on our network so your outbound call quality will be perfect.

Can you can get Talking Business NBN in your area and what type will it be? Click here to find out.

This is the Critical Information summary for our NBN:

Critical Information Summary - NBN (137.33 KB)

Call 1300 666765 now to discuss how we can help you improve your internet services and save you money!

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